nemukko nyago: also amazing

big enough for a desktop wallpaper

new blog logo?

pompompurin OMG

what am i doing with my life?
this is the best hello kitty character. i never paid any attention to hello kitty growing up and thought it was dumb...i basically still do except this character is amazing.

Here are his vital facts, straight from the Sanrio website:
Real NamePurin
BirthdayApril 16th on a sunny day
HomePurin lives in a special ‘Purin-size’ basket near the front door of a girl’s house.
FeaturesHis brown beret. He’s never without it!
Favorite Phrase“I’m going out!”
Least Favorite Phrase“Nobody home”
HobbiesCollecting shoes (Papa’s leather shoes, Mama’s sandals etc. He hides them one-by-one.)
SkillsNapping, Purin aerobics, becoming friends with anyone
Favorite FoodMilk, soft foods, Mama’s homemade pudding
Future DreamTo become even bigger!

[for good measure] Other trippy stuff from the Sanrio website:

pregnancy proj


about to kick off my weekend

8am to either 12pm or 5pm - working for an app launch at the iphone release
5:40pm-8:40pm class

8am-11am class
11am-2pm class (major exam)
4:45pm-9pm work catering gig for wedding

11am-5pm work street fair

oh and we are going to find out about the apartment, and if we get it I need to start packing. and I have to clean my room so I can show it. oh and I still don't have a second job so I have to keep looking for work.

unholy amounts of cute

August is NOT the cruelest month

In August 2012 we had an average of 1.58 posts per day! That is more than Esteban weighs!  That is a good birthday present to me.  Not as good as pasta though :'(

and on the other hand

I just made myself an enormous plate of nachos and promptly dropped the entire thing face down on the ground. definitive proof god hates me and I don't deserve to live.

***eVeRyThInG hApPeNs 4 a ReAsOn***

so last night I was at a starbucks for an interview to be a shill at a street fair tomorrow (oh yeah, I'm that desperate for cash) and I decided to stay a little later and work on some class notes. 20 minutes later a barista comes around with complimentary tarts for anyone who wants. #tinyvictories #onlysweatthesmallstuff #thisiswhatwinninglookslike #itlookslikefreefood

sex me nao


Pasta flower bouquet for you

If you can spare 10 minutes, you won't be disappointed.

This is a special chimp who was raised from infancy.  "Chimpanzee Kid "Hjördis" live today with a chimpanzee family on "Öland's Djurpark" in Sweden in a rescue rangers for chimpanzees. Thanks to its highly skilled staff at the zoo rescued "Hjördis" from his mother who was about to kill her so can Hjördis currently live today."

It's like this:
(cutest baby gaze) * (cutest baby giggles/coos) * (IT'S-A-FUCKING-ADORABLE-CHIMPANZEE) = explosive orgasm of positive affirmation for the future of humanity and this planet.

What do you think of this new "dynamic view" template?

Saved the old template so we can change it right back NO WORRIES