feeling good?

I haven't slept at all, I am sitting in a starbucks being hungover I think because I don't know when I stopped being drunk, and I have work in two hours, and I hate every single human being that is alive and awake at this moment


Sarah & Marjorie said...

like I'm not sure if you understand how I hate all people on this planet forever and ever and ever and ever and I wish the sun would go away and I could go home and go to sleep and never work again I am so tired and why did I stay out all night and I HATE EVERYONE

Sarah & Marjorie said...

oh and I have to be at work in less than two hours and then be at work until ummm let's see 13 hours from now? hi hi hi how about the world fucking ends right now, that would be great, that would be fucking great, just everything fucking explodes so I don't have to deal with this fucking day that's about to happen right now. and I'm just going to keep commenting on this post because I am not going to wake you up by texting you because what sort of ungodly people would want to be awake and like in a starbucks in lower manhattan right now I mean seriously I want to die

Sarah & Marjorie said...

this is like a xanga post from 2005, why is my life a xanga post, END IT

Sarah & Marjorie said...

I can't even anticipate the amount of coffee that will be necessary to make me survive the next 13 hours, I am going to throw up like 4 times. rachelllll oh my god I am going to dieeeee

Angiepymytu said...

"It's not you, it's me."

Sarah & Marjorie said...

"I'm the worst human being"
-everyone in a lower manhattan starbucks before 8am